Privacy Policy: Why your website needs one

Privacy policy blog header

As a digital agency we build new websites, and part of that process is to help our clients compose content. It is interesting how many business owners insist on ditching the traditional ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of Use’ pages to make space for more trendy footer links and widgets, or are happy to ‘copy and paste’ pages from competitor websites and adapt it based on their needs. This made me wonder about the need for these pages in today’s digital age, and whether or not the ‘copy and paste practice’ is enough to keep you on the right side of the law.

In addition – based on our experience – most advertisers on Social platforms, Google and other third party providers such as Mailchimp are blissfully unaware of the additional privacy clauses that have to be included in your website’s standard privacy policy, so we will set the record straight with a downloadable infographic summarising the additions.

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How to choose images for your website

Images collage for blog

In the digital age we live in today we experience information overload. Everyone is trying to get our attention in a very noisy and saturated marketplace. When it comes to the creation of your website, you literally have just 3 seconds to engage your user and gain their interest in your product or service.   So when it comes to sourcing images for your website you need to choose imagery that ‘turns on’ your target audiences’ green brain – the part of your brain that says “Yes”, “Absolutely” or “Sign me up!”

So let’s take a closer look at the ‘green brain concept’ and how you can utilise it as part of your marketing strategy to appeal to your ideal client at first glance.

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Spring cleaning your web assets


Finally winter is starting to come to an end and the prospect of spring is lifting moods and promising renewal.  For me this has been a long winter, and one that I am glad to see the back of.  Of course I ate too much and I will probably have to nearly kill myself all of spring to undo the damage I did, but nonetheless I am full of hope, enthusiasm and excitement about what summer will bring.  I am also looking forward to assessing what I am happy with and what not so I can work out my priorities for the next few months on both personal and professional levels.  I find myself already making summer resolutions, so I thought I’d share one of them here and now before I get bogged down again and it becomes another of my to-do items on a never-ending list.

As one of the owners of a digital agency in Melbourne, I see a lot of online mishaps start-up and small businesses make when entering the online arena. Like many mistakes in life, most are completely preventable or avoidable and is probably made simply because these business owners did not have the right information when having to make crucial decisions.  So instead of just shaking my head in silence as I’ve always done, I am now speaking up, purely based on my own personal experiences.  So sit up and indulge me for a moment or two – I really believe what I am sharing here are useful and practical tips if you are doing some online asset spring cleaning and want to set your business scene for summer.

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The importance of actively listening

The importance of actively listening

Technology is something that I’m sometimes a little bit cynical about. Simply being new and shiny isn’t enough for me. My favourite gadget is my Swiss Army knife and I still have a Melways in my car. I even resisted getting a smart phone for as long as possible. But I am a complete convert to social media.

Years ago I left a standard 9-5 job to do my own thing as an independent consultant. I didn’t use tech much. After being invited to join LinkedIn I created an account and then ignored it for the next 5 years. Twitter passed me by. I was fortunate enough to have a steady stream of projects coming in from an existing network to keep me sufficiently busy. However, what I was doing was a classic case of working in my small business rather than on it.

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Mailchimp the lifesaver

Mailchimp Salad Daze

Gosh!  Starting you own business especially a business in an area that you have little to no experience in is quite an undertaking; a completely mad one at that, however 8 months in and thankfully things are starting to gain traction.

There have been so many decisions to make and compiling an email list and setting up email broadcasts to prospective and actual clients was initially a very time -consuming process, until I discovered Mailchimp!

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The Entourage’s 8 Steps to Entrepreneurial and Sales Mastery

The Entourage's 8 Steps Event

Yesterday we had the good pleasure of attending yet another event presented by our mentors from The Entourage:  ‘The 8 Steps to Entrepreneurial and Sales Mastery’.  It was hosted at the Melbourne Convention Centre with The Entourage’s elite speakers Peter Lackovic, Anette Lockovic, and Lorraine Murphy from the Remarkables Group headlining. And my-oh-my: did we learn lots!

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Choosing the right social media channels for your business

Finding social media channels that work

Dealing with start-up and small businesses we often have to answer the question:   “On which social media networks will my business get most traction?“.   Unfortunately the answer is not as clean cut as we would all like it to be, and to put it bluntly: “It depends“.  To answer this question you first and foremost have to look at exactly who you are targeting, and then factors such as the nature of your product or services, the time you have to invest and the budget you have at your disposal (to name but a few) also comes into identifying the channel which will serve you best.  

First, a couple of myths….

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Gen Y for social media management

Gen y social media management

I really love working with Gen Y’s.

Me, I’m a Gen X and I love that too. Such good music (Grunge memories) comes from our Gen X era. You know what I had less love for? Business social media. Now don’t get me wrong, I love social media in general. As an entrepreneur with a brain speed of 100 kilometres per minute (I get tired just thinking about that), I can multi task and connect with all channels effortlessly, but really connecting with my targeted audience for business needed my full attention. Just like my conversations with my accountant.

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Mobilegeddon arrives

Mobilegeddon - Dawn of a new day blog

I guess at this stage there is not a website owner out there who has not heard that Google is launching a Mobile Friendly algorithm on the 21st of April. A lot of chinese whispers have done the rounds on the topic, and this update – dubbed ‘Mobilegeddon’ – is said to be the biggest in 2 years, larger than the last 2 Google updates, Panda and Penguin[1].

Let’s quickly determine if this impacts you and your business: Google your business name on your smartphone. Do you see a ‘Mobile-friendly’ tag in front of your meta description in the search results? If so your site is classed as mobile friendly and you have nothing to worry about, but if you do not offer mobile users (who are responsible for 60 % of website traffic [2]) optimised content based on devices – you might find your business in a bit of strive.

‘Mobilegeddon’ is going to drastically affect how search results are presented on mobile devices, which will then have a similar affect on how users browse, shop, and spend their time online on their smartphone. So let’s take a closer look at the areas directly affected by the update, and what you as a small business owner should do to get your site mobile ready, if not done already.

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