The Silent Observers on Facebook

The Silent Observers on Facebook blog

Since the constant fine tuning of Facebook Edgerank and its effects on Facebook business pages, one question I constantly encounter from creative business owners are: “Do I still need to bother with Facebook? I’m guessing Instagram or Pinterest is a better option.”

So, in my quest to figure out if Facebook is worth our time or not, I decided to do some experiments on my own Facebook page. Because even though many articles discuss various information and strategies, implementing these is more crucial to get the ‘Said’ results.

In my recent experiment with Facebook Organic reach I think I have proved that Facebook is not dead for businesses. But there’s one more reason why I stick to Facebook – it’s the power of the “Silent observers”. No other social media has this important piece of the jigsaw.

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E-booking and the power of young teams

The art of e-booking blog

Today we are in the “age of technology”, making our consumers more educated than ever. Technology has revolutionised and changed the way businesses market and sell products. If you aren’t positioning yourself online then you are losing ground in the game of “entrepreneurship”. Having an online presence is the differentiating factor between recognition and flying under the radar. Consumers are smarter and more aware than ever, which is forcing businesses to establish content that is going to place them ahead in the game, or in other words, position them as the “expert” in the industry.

In the coming weeks I will be releasing my first E-Book called “The Team Effect: 8 reasons why team sport improves your child’s well-being”.

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From the green pastures to the web

From green pastures to the website build

Humble beginnings

In the beginning when I first decided to turn my hobby into a business I was asked by so many people “WHY“? Every time I was asked this question, I would again ask myself why? There were the usual answers, such as working for myself, working my own hours, being able to work around my children and family life and personal satisfaction, but – if truth be known – it was something I was passionate about and I had self-belief that I had a great product that the market was missing.

There is a need in the market place for a product such as mine; the feedback that I received from those who tried my jerky all confirmed for me that my passion for creating a wonderful product was not wasted. It was quickly becoming apparent that Nicks Beef Jerky had a place in the world, not just my heart.

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Building a brand on Facebook

building a brand on facebook

The challenge of developing a representative brand

Airtime Dance logoAirtime Dance Academy teaches a variety of movement styles such as dance, acrobatics and aerial skills which had to be immersed in my brand. The vision of free flowing movement, flying, and awesomeness had to almost jump out of the logo. I chose my friend, James Quinn-Hawtin, who is an established designer and qualified trainer in his field but lives in Queensland which is a 5hr flight from me. Apart from distance, another challenge I faced was that – even though he also teaches dance – James did not fully understand the concept of acrobatics and aerials silk.  Consequently there were a few changes to the initial submissions.  Read more

Learn how to increase new patient referrals

Get-More referrals

In our roles as allied health, fitness and wellness professionals we are engaged by our clients to help them. The ways in which we help them differ; it may be that we assist them in recovering from injury; improve their health and fitness through weight loss and exercise or teach them techniques to help them manage stress and enhance wellbeing. Whatever methods we use, we implement a plan and execute accordingly.

When it comes to marketing our practice or selling our services, the majority of us shy away from the challenge. Promoting ourselves is not everybody’s strong point and many health, fitness and wellness experts will actually choose to run in the other direction and just hope for the best!

So what can we do to grow our client referrals and expand our businesses?

As is the case with most things in this day and age, getting yourself heard or seen is a challenge! You need to be able to cut through the noise and stand out from the crowd. Here are a few ways in which we can get ourselves out there without pushing the hard sell. Read more

Introducing our Guest bloggers

Guest bloggers series

Project […] is proud to announce a new monthly blog series called ‘They came and they conquered‘, written especially for small businesses, by small business owners, who face the same issues our audience face when setting up and existing online.

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The Entrepreneurs’ Unconvention

Entrepreneurs Unconvention

Project […]’s leaders had the good fortune of hanging out with 1100 of the world’s leading and next entrepreneurs on the 28th of February 2015.  The event – ‘The Entrepreneurs’ Unconvention’ – was hosted at Melbourne Park Business Centre and is promoted as Australia and New Zealand’s largest event for Entrepreneurs.   Read more

Valentines Day competition – winner announced!

Valentines day campaign winner

Our team had a fun-filled couple of days delivering chocolates and valentines cards to local health, fitness and wellness businesses in Eastern Melbourne to promote our Valentines competition.  It was great meeting some of the staff and local industry leaders and we would like to thank those who have welcomed us in their practices and who have participated in our competition.

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