Ten Tips For Branding Yourself and Establishing Your Online Presence

Online presence & branding blog

It was exactly two years ago that I made a very purposeful and conscious decision to establish an online presence for myself. I had already gained some traction, though not much, on social media through my sporadic but valuable posts and shares about how essential oils had become such a game-changer in my small family’s life. I remember so vividly the feelings of fear and self-doubt creeping in as I was making this decision. I remember thinking I don’t have what it takes to make it online, or I would never amount to these successful entrepreneurs and wellness coaches that are already attracting their tribe, helping and serving so many people. I just didn’t think I had what it took to “make it online”. I didn’t even comprehend what it actually meant to be successful online but I knew that it was the journey I wanted to be on.

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How to choose images for your website

Images collage for blog

In the digital age we live in today we experience information overload. Everyone is trying to get our attention in a very noisy and saturated marketplace. When it comes to the creation of your website, you literally have just 3 seconds to engage your user and gain their interest in your product or service.   So when it comes to sourcing images for your website you need to choose imagery that ‘turns on’ your target audiences’ green brain – the part of your brain that says “Yes”, “Absolutely” or “Sign me up!”

So let’s take a closer look at the ‘green brain concept’ and how you can utilise it as part of your marketing strategy to appeal to your ideal client at first glance.

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Mobile optimisation: fav or fad?

Mobile Optimisation

Mobile use:  Now vs then

Mobile usage has been increasing consistently over the past few years.  You don’t have to look much further than your own family, friendship and work circles to see the extent of mobile penetration today.  No doubt everyone has a reasonable respect for and understanding of the power and reach it can and does have.  Read more

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