Privacy Policy: Why your website needs one

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As a digital agency we build new websites, and part of that process is to help our clients compose content. It is interesting how many business owners insist on ditching the traditional ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of Use’ pages to make space for more trendy footer links and widgets, or are happy to ‘copy and paste’ pages from competitor websites and adapt it based on their needs. This made me wonder about the need for these pages in today’s digital age, and whether or not the ‘copy and paste practice’ is enough to keep you on the right side of the law.

In addition – based on our experience – most advertisers on Social platforms, Google and other third party providers such as Mailchimp are blissfully unaware of the additional privacy clauses that have to be included in your website’s standard privacy policy, so we will set the record straight with a downloadable infographic summarising the additions.

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